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Early Stage Researchers


Project: Analysis of MLL family of proteins in leukaemias

Centre for Genomic Regulation (CRG)




About Gianni

Gianni did both the Bachelor and the Master in Italy – Milan, at the University of Milano-Bicocca. He got the Bachelor in Biological sciences and the Master in Biology. During these years he joined the laboratory of professor Silvia Kirsten Nicolis (University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan – Italy) as a volunteer for a short internship of three months during which he started working with cells and mice. During the Master, he got a position at the European Institute of Oncology (IEO, Milan – Italy) where he carried out his thesis in the Bruno Amati’s laboratory. Gianni worked there for a year and a half, during which time he studied mainly the role of MYC and WNT signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma, performing experiments both in vitro and in vivo. Since August 2019, he has got a PhD position founded through the ChromDesign ITN in the Luciano di Croce’s group (Centre de Regulacion Genomica-CRG, Barcelona – Spain). Here Gianni is currently investigating the role of MLL family proteins during leukemagenesis process.

About Gianni's project

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